Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Best Way To.... (a week in review)

....locate the nearest gas station: see the flashing "empty" on your gas gauge.

....make a trip to the zoo even more exciting: almost run out of gas trying to get there. The van said "0 miles per gallon" when we were within sight of the pumps. Some heavy praying was going on in the passenger seat (probably driver seat, too) which thank God was answered "Yes!".
....get a boy to poop on the potty: design incentive trips such as a visit to the "big" zoo, and going mini-golfing/go-carting. It took a month and half for Ben to "earn" (10 poops) the first trip, but in a week he's half way to the second one! Do you know how happy we are?!! motivated to clean your house: agree to host several different groups of people in the same week.

....get a lot of things done: drink coffee. And (for me, at least) turn into Liz at turbo power.
....find the sleeping capacity of your house: agree to host several different groups of people in the same week. At one point, 4 adults and 1 child. At another, 3 adults (no couples!) and 2 children. rudely woken up: is by a kid other than your own. Niece MVJ woke me from a much needed nap by banging my cell phone on my face and sticking her fingers in my eyes. Yes, I woke up, and No, I wasn't crabby! If it had been my OWN sweet child...that's another matter altogether.

....finally sort and file that huge pile of papers on your desk: discover a random water drip from the ceiling nearby. After about a half cup leaked out, it stopped, with no apparent source or repercussions, other than the complete clearing of the counter underneath. So weird.

....find a lost child: have friends in the media. Thanks again, CG.

....keep track of your kids: go it alone. When Aaron and I took the kids to the street fair, we lost one (and found him again). When I took them by myself to the OTHER fair in town, they were all accounted for at all times. Because there wasn't another adult for me to assume that they were with.

....identify all the potential choking hazards in your house: volunteer to babysit a friend's baby. Somehow all the things that Adam COULD be eating (but somehow hasn't yet) leaped out of the shadows before baby Asher showed up.

....keep children entertained: agree to house an adult nephew for a few days. So great! He's a free manny! The big kids WILL get their hair cut this month after all!

It's been a great week, full of family and fun. What events happened in YOUR house last week? Here's hoping for another several days of summer perfection.


Terri said...

Lets see two fairs, and vehicle shopping with a 4 year old and a 1 year old and trying to keep an eye on both while one being by yourself and two keeping an eye on both while the other adult is clearing out the old vehicle. Can't forget the baby shower in a house that I didn't know and having to go around and close doors to other rooms so that she didn't wander in and at least they had a built in kiddie gate so that it kept the 1 year old in the same vacinity as mom.

KSchatz said...

We took Baby B to the park on Wednesday, the street fair on Friday (where he caught a nice nap), and on Saturday he played with cousin AJ and his buddy Asher, and later that evening it was a lovely trip to the ER to find that Baby B has a double ear infection. That was quickly followed by a night of sleeping in 1/2 hr increments. We foolishly thought that after 2 doses he was feeling a bit better and attempted a Redhawks game. After two innings, we threw in the towel and headed home. Thankfully Sunday night was a LOT better for sleeping.