Oh! It would've, it would've! : ) Leah's so cute! And what a techy little thing! Yes, I will let you know when we find out pink or blue. It'll be... oh... in about 5 1/2 weeks. Getting closer!
And in the 25+ years since the Sony Walkman was introduced, we still are faced with excess headphone wires to get tangled in (or the unknown long term health effects of wireless ear pieces...).
Wife of Aaron and mom of Leah (6) and Ben (4), and baby Adam (1). Want a Masters degree without all that work. Teacher by personality, not employment (for now). Love Christ as my savior. A fan of pop culture, especially movies and music (although taste in novels leans more toward the classics.) Also love to talk and can't stop if making others laugh.
Oh! It would've, it would've! : ) Leah's so cute! And what a techy little thing! Yes, I will let you know when we find out pink or blue. It'll be... oh... in about 5 1/2 weeks. Getting closer!
Such big eyes! Hilarious!
And in the 25+ years since the Sony Walkman was introduced, we still are faced with excess headphone wires to get tangled in (or the unknown long term health effects of wireless ear pieces...).
Cute, in any event.
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