I've been meaning to write so many things here over the last week! But stuff keeps coming up. So here is what's been keeping me away lately:
* Playing "Guess Who?" with the kids. Leah got the game for Christmas from her Daddy, and it's one kids game I can handle. Ben and I are a good team, even tho (or especially because?) Leah usually wins.
* Figuring out Adam's sleep schedule. Not only has he become super-smart at parent manipulation (crying until we pick him up- which we stopped doing when we figured it out - the record was 1 1/2 hrs.) but he has also decided that 3 45 minute naps are really ideal for him. Those naps come at about 10am, 1pm & 3:30pm. Not the most convenient, but at least he's getting more sleep.
* Buying a freezer! Yes! I finally convinced Aaron and on New Year's Day we trotted over to Sears and picked one out. It will be delivered on Thursday this week, but some minor renovations are needed before it can go into place...photos will prove if it gets accomplished or not.
* Hosting guests. My friend Clarissa and her five (yes, FIVE) daughters spent the night last week, as did our friends Jess & Raf and their two sons (on a different night, thank goodness!). Our nephew Marlin also stopped in for dinner last night, which was so nice since he lives in Michigan! (Oh, the life of a college student - to be able to visit friends while out of class...)
* Doing laundry. All those guests means lots of sheets and towels, dude.
* Finished projects. Like sending out our New Year's cards, undecorating the tree, sewing a couple pillows for our bedroom and a hat/neckroll for Ben... Had to clear out the project pile so that I could start...
* Planning more projects. Many of them are from the baby sewing book my lovely sister got me for Christmas. Hmm...that may be a good idea for a giveaway one of these days.
* Twittering. Yes, they finally sucked me in. Follow me! I'm aiming for different content than on the blog, so you'll be constantly amused by the hilarity of my kids. Or at least roll your eyes at my attempts to be amusing. Anyway - I'm mdjane. See you there!
What have YOU been doing this first week of 2010? Do you have a New Year's tradition?
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
If, by odd coincidence, you were contemplating getting a quarter beef for the new freezer, but weren't sure on what to do with the other 3/4, chat with my wife. We've got connections and are contemplating importing some fine South Dakota meat. The meat may also connect with the current Book Club selection, but that started with a clandestine pig...
So, are you keeping your small freezer or do you need a home for it? Yea for finishing projects, that's what i am doing too. My first week has been taking down the tree, laundry, finding new projects, and collecting chicken eggs. :-) No traditions here, sometimes I wish tho I did.
Hey, I answered both questions in my post today!:) You guys were reading my mind.
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