Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pretty Pretty Princess

This game was one of Leah's birthday presents, and one of her favorite games now. Something about the jewelry and WINNING is right up her alley.
Although I do think that some feminists might hate this game. Something about the princess theme, and winning by collecting all the jewelry...just seems kind of indoctrinational.


Aaron said...

I'm against that game on the basis of encouraging materialism. Now, if they collected bike parts to build up a bike, that would be something else entirely...

nydampress said...

I enjoyed reading the customer reviews from the Amazon link you posted. Here's a gem:

"I ended up decorating the crown, although I'm sure she could have handled it, I just think she wouldn't have thought to make a pattern to make it look nice."

Look, someone even more Type A than you. :)

JJ and EJ said...

Leah's getting so big! Single tear...

. said...

perhaps someone should share that classic advice of Coco Chanel with our little Leah:

to avoid over-accessorizing, women should look in the mirror and remove one thing.

Except, maybe, like thirteen things in leah's case.

Stacie said...

I knew she would like it :) We ended up buying it for Kenzie's birthday as well.

Aaron said...

I just realized what Leah is missing in this photo: gold fronts. The pretty pretty princess people need to get on that.