Things I'm liking this spring:
The Elmo tablecloth still on the table from Ben's birthday is the perfect camouflage for the the Hawaiian Punch jelly beans I got after Easter. I've been snitching them while Ben naps & Leah has quiet time. Shhh.
Garage sales - I've already been to one (extra big - community) and got a set of sheets for Leah's future twin bed for $3. I'm hoping to tag along with friend Crystal, since she may have this activity down to an actual honest-to-goodness science.
I can pack up our winter, coats, and the piles of hats and mittens my kids have accumulated. And sell their outgrown (or outgrown by next winter) stuff at the MOMS Club garage sale May 3rd! To make cash for garage sale-ing.
The prospect of not having to mow a yard this summer. With Aaron on crutches, that will probably be my job for awhile, and hopefully the rental place will take care of it.
Fresh produce with no personal effort involved. I signed up for a CSA (community supported agriculture) and have since seen articles about them in a fitness mag at my brother's and in Cottage Living magazine. I'm HIP!
Our fish finally died. What? You didn't know we had a fish? We did, for the two weeks since Leah's friend Lydia's birthday. Mom Valerie had the bright idea of handing out goldfish as the prize for one of her excellent games. I kept ours alive on saltine crackers until last night, when I decide to change the poor thing's water, which promptly turned it belly-up. I flushed it, and the kids haven't even noticed...good thing those swimmers have short life-spans. They are still longer than a preschooler's.
Tulips. I love tulips, and mine are about 6-8 inches tall already. They survived our TWO April blizzards, thankfully. I hope I'll get to see them again before we move.
Hope you are enjoying your spring, too! What's making YOU happy today?
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
What's making me happy?
1. The snow is gone & it's nice enough to go outside without a jacket.
2. We're planning to move to a larger place...soon!
3. My daycare kids have gone home for the day...woohoo!
4. Jon & Kate + 8 is on tonight :)
5. I have a wonderful friend named Lyz (aren't I a suck up?!)
OK, so my happiness today is north of LA and not in Fargo, but I got to see the Pacific Ocean and eat outside twice in short sleeves. Flowers were in bloom, the sun was shining, the wind was light, and there were no mosquitos.
I'll blog more on it momentarily at
-- Malibu Noel
1. I'm not pregnant any more!
2. The weather is nice enough that the kids can go outside practically every day now!
3. The sun actually feels warm when it shines!
4. The snow that's left is hidden under piles of dirt/sand which tends to remind me of digging in the garden.. oh the projects I have planned this year! Oh wait, I have a new baby.. maybe next year ;)
5. I can start walking again, outside! and since my #1 is in effect, I can walk painlessly!! Lucky me!
6. Spring means new life, the grass is greening up, the birds are chirping out of happiness rather than chattering to keep warm, the apple trees will blossom, etc.
7. Color will return to our lives!!
8. I, too, have a wonderful friend named Liz. (I'm a suck up too, ha, ha!)
Makin' me happy:
1. Fresh air flowing through open windows.
2. Kissing my son's neck and making him giggle.
3. Meeting a mom in the neighborhood who likes to go for walks too.
4. Digging in the dirt and planting seeds. (I worked a full share at an organic CSA two summers ago. Great experience, neat people).
5. Hanging clothes on the line on this sunny (82 degrees in PA) day.
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