Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just Practicing

This was Ben the other day, just hanging out with his new sib body double. I loved how he set the bottle there, just in case she got thirsty.

He actually lay like this for quite awhile. First, he had the baby on his chest. Then, he insisted that I cover BOTH of them with the blanket, and stayed that way while I retrieved the camera and took the photo. And Ben just doesn't lay in one spot like that for longer than 10 seconds very often. Must be some important chillin' going on.


Noel said...

Practicing to keep baby safe and warm in the blizzard? ... although he is missing the "winter survival kit in a coffee can". Fischer-Price should make those....

Noel said...

For those unfamiliar with "winter survival kits in a coffee can", Mr Snuggles has provided an instructional video on blizzard safety which includes that topic:

Lyz said...

I like to think he's practicing for quality bonding time with the new sib.:)

Glad to see you on Blogspot, Noel!