Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My kids usually have a snack before bed. Tonight it was yogurt, and I got some good examples of why Ben always finishes eating waaaay before Leah:

Here is Ben taking a bite.

I swear the kid has a double-jointed jaw, and he has always eaten this way.

Maybe if you get a microscope rightuptoyourscreen you would be able to see the bite on Leah's spoon. But it really is there. And this is how she usually eats: one. tiny. bite. at. a. time.

Nothing like some happy, shiny tanned faces to end the day on a positive note. If you are comparing their sizes, please remember that Leah is SITTING. But Ben really is gaining on her. She better start taking bigger bites.


. said...

ben is all meebs in these photos. apparently he has taken eating lessons from david.

Aaron said...

Kate will probably point out that I gave Ben some lessons as well.

"Rule #1: Napkins are for picking up what didn't fit in your mouth. So don't worry about a tight fit."